My story – finding the benefits of meditation

In 2004, I was diagnosed with MS and had a hard attack of it the following year. I decided that I didn’t want to start taking the drugs offered by the doctors to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of episodes. It seemed that the drugs only had an effectiveness in reducing the likelihood in a minority of cases.
I looked for alternatives and found that the stretching in yoga to be beneficial and after a few months’ practicing, discovered the mindfulness side of it. I have always believed that the MS was triggered by a very painfully emotional time in my life, so I was grateful for the peace of mind that it was encouraging which in turn I felt would help in keeping me healthy.
However, many years later, I was still in search of something to quieten the mind and help me cope with my then stressful, busy corporate job in the IT industry. I wanted to be able to have more control over the way my mind was seemingly working away constantly in the background despite trying various relaxation techniques or distractions.
I started practicing meditation in 2014 and I’ve never looked back. My family and friends say they have seen a marked change in my nature since then – for the better. I’m calmer, my mind is stiller and more focused, and I feel more in control of my mind’s inner ‘chatter’ which I am sure also reflects on my physical well-being.
Because I have been able to witness first-hand the benefits of meditation, I became a meditation coach so that I could help share what is actually a very simple and natural way of bringing so many benefits to one’s well-being.
Meditation on the Natural Breath is the technique I use and it is one of the oldest, most traditional meditation methods. It is not associated with religion and is an entirely objective, scientific methodology.
It’s something that once mastered, any person can do on one’s own, anywhere, at any time to gain the benefits of it when one most needs it. But also with regular practice reap the long-term transformational benefits.
My most grateful thanks to the people at the The Yoga Healing Foundation for their introduction and continuing guidance to Meditation on the Natural Breath.
Natalie Shelley-Dickson