All courses can be taught on an individual basis in your own home, or in groups for offices, schools, organisations etc. Please contact me through the Contact Us page to inquire about options for your situation.
Taster Session
A introduction to Meditating on the Natural breath. Sessions are one and a half hours long.
8-week course – for beginners
The technique is taught over a period of eight weeks comprising eight one and a quarter hour long sessions. Each session gives you: guidance on the technique which becomes deeper as the course progresses, some key theory points behind the meditation and practice through guided meditation.
At the end of the course you will have the tools required to practice Meditation on the Natural Breath for you to use throughout your lifetime as you choose.
Ad-hoc classes
Practice of meditation is usually a solitary practice and it is sometimes helpful to meditate in a group and share experiences with other meditators and ask a questions. These group sessions are one hour in length.
Ad-hoc classes are generally for students who have completed the 8-week course.